Tuesday, August 26, 2008

jabberwocky #2

Today was awesome. We had a guy from the United States Air Force Academy at our school today. Don't plan on going to the Air Force but it was fun to hear about the Academy. It sounded like it would be fair to go there, since the first two years are free. Well this is it for tonight. ; p 


uthpastorjj said...

good second blog. air force academy, huh? nice. i love that your blogging!

Anonymous said...

poke! may i please just comment on your profile picture? well, i'm not waiting for your permission--hysterical, love it, holy cow!

dK. or Kaydee. said...

Your layout is the same as my layout bro.

Cool story. And no joining the Air Force. I'd miss you too much. And it looks like you are blogging more than I am...
PS - Sweeeet deal promoting CFA!